IJALP Vol 07

Journal of Chinese Language and Computing

An International Journal of
The Chinese & Oriental Languages Information Processing Society

Volume 7 Number 1, 1997

P97001 Construction and Application of the Chinese Morpheme Database Yuan Chunfa, Huang Changning, Peng Yingxi, Guo Zhili and Lu Yujie 1-4.

P97002 Homonym Resolution For Chinese Phonetic Input Amelia Fong Lochovsky and Kim-hang Chung 5-15.

P97003 A Robust Machine Translation System Based on Multi – Processes Fuji Ren and Hongming Ma 17-26.

P97004 Research on the Subjective and Objective Information of Chinese Sentences on the Semantic Level Xingguang Lin and Chuan Lu 27-30.

P97005 A Spatial-Temporal Method For On-Line Chinese Character Recognition J.Z. Liu, W. K. Cham and M. M. Y Chang 31-39.

P97006 Automatic Evaluation of Language Processing Systems Using the Reversible Noisy Channel Model Chao-Huang Chang 41-46.

Volume 7 Number 2, 1997

P97007 An Algorithm for Assigning Syntactic Structure to Chinese Sentences Hou Feng Wang and Da Wei Dai 47-52 (In Chinese GB code).

P97008 A Chinese Syntactic Parser Based On Bracket Matching Principle Qiang Zhou and Changning Huang 53-60(In Chinese GB code).

P97009 Study of the Generation of Chinese Semantic Primitives Cheng Ming Guo and Zheng Xia 61-68(In Chinese GB code).

P97010 Statistical Model Selection for Word Sense Disambiguation Xiaohu Liu, Sheng Li and Tiejun Zhao 69-75 (PostScript).