International Journal of Asian Language Processing
Volume 24 Number 1, 2014
A grammar design accommodating packed argument frame information on verbs, Petter Haugereid 1 (PDF File)
Word-order and argument-marking: Japanese vs Chinese vs Naxi, Paul Law 21 (PDF File)
Quantification and the Garden Path Effect Reduction:The Case of the Universally Quantified NP, Akira Ohtani, Takeo Kurafuji, Masakatsu Inoue 41 (PDF File)
Volume 24 Number 1, 2014
The L1 Acquisition of the Imperfective Aspect Markers in Korean: a Comparison with Japanese, Ju-Yeon Ryu 61 (PDF File)
Building and Annotating the Linguistically Diverse NTU-MC (NTU — Multilingual Corpus), Liling Tan and Francis Bond 75 (PDF File)
Plural problems in the nominal morphology of Marathi, Shalmalee Pitale, Vaijayanthi M. Sarma 89 (PDF File)