IJALP Vol 02

Journal of Chinese Language and Computing

An International Journal of
The Chinese & Oriental Languages Information Processing Society

Volume 2 number 1, 1992

P92001 A Fast Real-Time Chinese Tone Recognition System Using Fuzzy Sets Shilin Xu and Samuel C. Lee

P92002 A Research on Character Sample Database for Chinese Character Recognition Yang Yuanyuan and Qian Zhengliang

P92003 An Ers Model for Tense and Aspect Information in Chinese Sentences Hsi-Jian Lee and Ren-Rong Hsu

P92004 Context-Sensitive recognition of Homophones with Chinese Seperable Verbs Wan Jiancheng

P92005 A Study of the Formalization of semantics Mei Jiaju and Gao Yunqi

Volume 2 Number 2, 1992

P92006 An Efficient Algorithm for Syllable Voice Recognition Wushur Slamu, Ehab Elimallah, Ahmaed Kamal

P92007 Temporal Distribution of Bisyllablic Words In Standard Chinese: An Evidence for Relational Invariance and Variability for natural Speech Cao Jianfen

P92008 The Sequence Method of Joint – points and Skeleton – lines On Handprinted Chinese Character Recognition Wu Minjin , Cai WenKang , Sheng Xiaofeng

P92009 A preclassification Method for Chinese Character Recognition Based on Peripheral Stroke Structure Haoru Lu , Pingyong Yang , Yuanyuan Yang